Wednesday, April 9, 2008


I was going to do my grandchildren today but I couldn't decide whether to go from the oldest to the youngest or to go from the youngest to the oldest or to just mix them all up, so while I was deciding what to do, I just decided not to do any of them. I decided to just go back in time to one of our escapades and this seemed as good as anything. This took place in 1986, and was my one time of being "On Stage". Dennis, Milly's husband was video taping the whole thing.
We did our debut at Gary and Gwen's ward for one of their Relief Society night meetings, they were served dinner and this was the entertainment. I would guess they were not terribly impressed because we closed after that first night's performance and have never been contacted to perform since that time. I really don't think it was the performance they didn't like, it was probably the many writers of the script of the production that they weren't impressed with, when they found out it was written by ourselves.
Gary, (my brother) who was bishop of their ward at the time, was playing The Parson and was the announcer. He also danced in the 3 Little Fishies and the Buzz Around, Buzz Around dances. Millie (my sister in law) danced in the 3 Little Fishies and in the Playmate Song, I did the 3 Litttle Fishies and the Buzz Around , Buzz Around. Gary spun a couple of yarns and of course Zeke (Kent) and two Itchey Sisters (Sister Pat and sister in law Gwen) did a bunch of bantering and did Baby Face and Bob did Bill Gogans Goat. The three of them came out carrying decorated white buckets with a bunch of stuff in, and Pat was saying she had been told she couldn't carry a tune in a bucket and she just wanted to prove she could as she started pulling out sheets of music, a spit-tune, looney- toons, car-toons and a lot of other stuff. I just wish I could remember what else they had in their buckets, I know Kent had a ukulele and he played a tune on that.
We did get to "sorta " perform again when Dennis and Milly had their 25th Anniversary celebration . They were going to renew their wedding vows. Mom and Dad got into the act as well as the rest of us, buying their ridiculous outfits at the thrift stores. Mom had a black hat with a veil that covered one eye. I was the "MADE OF HOUNOR" and had a terrible bright orange lace dress on and huge sloppy sun hat and was carrying a basket (the kind you put in the cemeteries) full of old dead flowers. One of the guests, he worked with Dennis at the Air National Guard, made the statement that these people sure were dressed funny and the worst one was that fellow in the yellow plaid jacket. He was referring to Zeke (Kent).
When Dennis and Millie came down the stairs, with their entourage he knew he had been "had"...??//?/. Gary was the parson again and he read the marriage vows out of a Sears Catalogue. Rob was walking behind them with a shotgun telling them to "git along up there". Dennis had on a jacket that was too small for him and was split up the back and he had his hair combed in "Alfalfa" style. Millie was pretty lucky she could still fit into her wedding gown but it was so wrinkled. Zeke and the Itchey Sisters sang a couple of songs, "The Wedding Waltz" and "I'm Going To Hire A Wino To Decorate My Home". Actually it was a real fun day and we all enjoyed ourselves immensely.

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