Sunday, April 27, 2008


This is JorJa on her first Halloween, dressed as a cabbage patch kid, isn't she cute, cute, cute?
She was born on April 21, 1986 at Cottonwood Hospital located in Murray, Utah, and baptised on May 1, 1994. She graduated from Taylorsville High School on June 4, 2004.
JorJa has never been an indoor person, she excels in all outdoor activities, like skiing, cutting the grass, softball, planting flowers & tomatoes, weeding, hiking, sleeping in a tent, etc. etc. and etc. When she was about 12 or 13 years of age, her father would take her on his trips with the Boy Scouts and she would always beat them on the mountains they would climb, or the hikes they would go on, or rowing the rivers. It was always said she was a better scouter than 95 percent of the Scouts.
She has always been extremely aware of other people's needs and been there to lend a helping hand. She just seems to have an inbred desire to help the people that need help. She was the same on her religious affiliations.
She was always a very good student, getting excellent grades, and was especially versatile in any math problems. Although when she was small and first learning her colors, she was what we considered blind as a bat on colors. We often thought she was just doing it all on purpose to get us all so upset that we would keep on continually working with her, even today I am not sure if she was or not. She graduated from Taylorsville High School on June 4, 2004.
On December 29, 2006 she married Jacob Mattson in the Mount Timpanogas Temple in Lehi, Utah. They met while taking some of the same classes at the University of Utah. He was from Vernal, Utah. More on him later.
She will graduate from the U of U on May 2, 2008 in Civil Engineering (following in her grandfather's footsteps). I would love to see her graduate but I'm afraid I will not be able to since it is at the Huntsman Center and all those steps with my oxygen tank and having to park a couple of blocks away and it will take hours and hours to get through all of the graduates, I just don't feel like I am up to it, but my love and best wishes and everything else will be with her. CONGRATULATIONS JORJA.

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