Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Sunday was another very busy day. We elected to be down to Don and Joyces for Sacrament Meeting which is at the same time as ours, 10:50. We wanted to visit with Vickie and Kelley and all the other people that were going to be there so Joyce said she would make a big pot of soup on Saturday and we could eat that for lunch. It turned out to be chili or/and vegetable soup and all the necessary things that goes with it like rolls and banana bread and peaches and apricots as well as pineapple upside down cake, coconut cake and many different kinds of cookies. Stirling had gone down as well as Terry and Bobbie, Sarah and her husband and Grant, Megan, Chad, Jodie and Hannah and of course Vickie and Kelley. We had a very nice visit with all of them and left to come home at about 4:30.
We arrived at home in time to change our clothes, change my oxygen tank and be over to Dennis and Milly's by 6:00. We had been invited to come to their home for Birthday dinner as it was Dennis' birthday on Monday, the 5th. She had ordered Chinese dinner from the Kow Loon and Kathryn, Rob and Gigi, Gary and Gwen were all there.

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