Saturday, May 17, 2008


There is not a lot of news going on on in our lives today, but I just wanted to post a little of something. Yesterday after getting my hair done we went to a "Pain Class." That is, trying to live in a pain free environment. It is a 6 week course so maybe I can learn something that will be beneficial to me, the biggest PAINS that bother me is my back, I never have a minute free from pain with that, I'm sure it comes from the vertebra that I had the problem with when we were in Malaysia, since that was the one that I never did have cemented or glued or whatever you want to call it. The real name is Percutaneous Vertebroplasty. I have had this done to four of my vertebra and I would recommend it highly. The only problem is that it has to be done within a certain period of time of injury or it is too late. This was done in 3 surgeries or treatments or whatever. It is done by Radiologists, and if you want more information on it just give me a call and I will tell you what I know. I have other problems that are serious, like Emphysema, where I can't get my breath and I am sure this is going to be my main problem in a period of time. Right now, I can live a pretty normal life if I just adjust a lot. Cooking has become a problem, but I have found that if we just fix meals that are pretty simple and buy a lot of microwaveable things we can get by. Cleaning is almost impossible, we will have to hire someone to come in and clean pretty soon, and traveling is also almost impossible.
After the class, we came home and Sandy called to see if we wanted to go to dinner at Applebees, they were going to use their gift cards that Pat gave to us for Christmas, Kent said he did not want to go because he wanted to stay home and finish his talk that he has to give tomorrow in church, so I went alone and met Charlie and Sandy, Jorja and Jacob, and KayCee. We had a nice meal and enjoyed each others company.
At 8:30 we watched the Jazz play the Lakers on T.V. even though I felt they were playing pretty well, they just could not get the ball to drop through the hoop, it was like something was just not letting it go through. It wasn't because they weren't trying real hard, and I am sure they are reliving that game over and over in their heads today. They lost by 3 points. Of course I also know anyone with at least a little bit of interest in the Jazz already have their version of it, good or bad.
Today I may not do anything but go out and sit on the patio and read or just sit and breathe in some of that nice fresh air.

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