Saturday, March 22, 2008

They were having a Birthday Party for the Red Hatters out at Gardner Village and they could only accomadate 250 ladies from the whole state. I didn't get my money paid in early enough so I just plain missed out. Then a couple of weeks before the party I was told a lady from Ogden wasn't going to be able to come and I could have her ticket if I wanted it. Well Naturally, I wanted it so I had to hurry and get me a costume rigged up. The theme was going to be "The 50's" so I looked on the internet and decided on the poodle skirt and saddle shoes, so then I ordered them all on the internet and waited and waited. Nothing came and no word. I got very nervous. Finally I called the company I had ordered them from and they couldn't find the order so they would have to call me back, to make a long story short, they found the order and was going to ship it that day which would take at least 3 days. Well, I finally got the order and the crinolyn slip needed to be pressed as well as the skirt and the slip took me 2 full days to iron. Boy was I right down to the wire. Anyway I went to the party and had a nice time. They served hamburgers and french fries and coke in bottles and had chocolate cake for dessert. There was an Elvis impersonator and they had a twist contest and several other thing that was popular in the 50's.

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