Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bits and Pieces

My goodness, you would have thought I had died and gone to Heaven or He__, or wherever I'm going or that I had taken an extended vacation to the farthest point where no computers are in existence. Well I have done neither, I really don't have a reason for not writing for so long.

Of course I have spent a great deal of time in bed these last few months, the reason is: I have had 5 Vertebroplasties in the last 5 months. Number L3 was the first in August, Number T12 was in September, Number T10 in October, Number T9 in November and Number T8 in December. The sad part of this is I still have 7 more T vertabrae left that could break at any time, I just have to be very careful not to bend over wrong or lift anything that could fracture one of these. By the way, in December I also had a Reclast infusion, this is the medication that helps to build bones so they don't fracture so easily.

Kaycee helped me with getting a Christmas motif on here for December and changed this one to show the background for now, but didn't write anything for me to put in for everyone to read. In spite of all those fractures and really bad weather the last part of December, we did have a nice Christmas, made it to a lot of get-to-gathers, I felt pretty miserable most of the time but with pain pills and the desire to go, I think the only parties we missed was the trip over to Gary and Gwen's on Christmas night and new Years Eve at our house or at Charlie and Sandy's. They wanted to come here and I told them that it would be alright but I would probably just go to bed, so they decided to go to Charlies and I did go to bed about 6:00.

JorJa and Jacob came over and brought all the Christmas decorations up and decorated the house, or at least the living and dining rooms and took the deer and things outside (Kent had put the lights up out there) and I told them they could only decorate the things that they were going to come back and take down and put away. They agreed to that and Jorja came and took everything down and put it all away. The day she came, Jacob had to work, so she also made a pot of soup for lunch.

I have really enjoyed reading every ones blogs, keeping track of what they have been doing and where they have been going and how they have all been feeling. It's kind of like sitting around having tea and talking don't you all think? I think I better close for now, with the promise I won't take so long next time.


KayCee Burnside said...

Grandma!!! Yay a new post! I'm so glad to see you back on. I didn't ever want to write anything on here because I know it couldn't compare to what you type.

DeAnna Dahl Kemple said...

Betty it was so good to hear from you again.So sorry that you have had so many problems I hope and pray things will get better soon.My sister Janet is on a mission in Austria and sent me this.I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.I just wish He didn't trust me so much. Lots of Love DeAnna